Channel: Personal And Global Ascension 2012 - 2017 are you ready?
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Sich in Resonanz gehende Zeitlinien bewegen – Freundschaften aufwerten


Aufgearbeiteter Auszug aus https://ascension101.com/en/estore/product/37-moving-into-resonant-timelines-upgrading-relationships.html von Inelia Benz, der fertig zum Downloaden ist.

„Heute will ich darüber reden, wie uns eine physische Handlung, auf einer soliden Intention basierend, auf einer klaren soliden Intention, schnell in eine mehr mit uns räsonierende Zeitlinie schiftet.

In eine mehr mit uns räsonierende Zeitlinie zu schiften, oder uns die Welt, von der wir träumen, manifestieren und natürlich auch damit deine Realität, alles ist nah verwandt, wenn nicht das Gleiche.

Ich habe schon oft über das Manifestieren gesprochen, und die Methodik, die wir nutzen können, um Dinge schnell in unser physischen Universum zu manifestieren. Ich habe auch über die Rückverbindung mit unserer Umgebung gesprochen, das auch Teil des Gleichen ist.

Die Trennung der Welten – Bald auch in Deiner Nähe!


2011 kam es zur Spaltung der menschlichen Gemeinschaft. In diejenigen, die eine angstfreie, ermächtigte, bewusste, wache Realität in physischer Verkörperung wollten, und diejenigen, die das nicht wollten. Gaia hat aktiv eine physische Trennung vorangetrieben, die mithilfe von Zeit geschieht, über drei Generationen, und die ohne Trauma und sanft abläuft. Wir jedoch, das menschliche Kollektiv, haben auf eine rasend schnelle Trennung gedrängt.

Verschiedene Leute und Umgebungen, in denen ich mich befinde, haben den III. Weltkrieg erwähnt und andere Untergangsszenarien. Ich bin gerade in verschiedenen Gesprächen über E-Mail, Internet, persönlich und auf WalkWithMeNow.com zu diesem Thema.

Es scheint ganz stark so, dass sich unser Kollektiv für eine schnelle physische Trennung der Realitäten entscheidet. Wie das passieren wird, tja, das ist, womit wir gerade spielen. Worüber wir gerade entscheiden.

Meet Inelia in Europe

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We are happy to inform you that this coming November 2014, will have the opportunity to have 2 events with Inelia in Europe, the first will be held in the city of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) and the second on the outskirts of Montpellier (France).

In these events we will have the opportunity to discover and strengthen our empowerment with Inelia.  We will also have the opportunity to practice some of the techniques Inelia shares for raising our personal vibrational levels so we  can enjoy the experience of living on Earth in these "challenging" and fascinating times .

Locations: Barcelona and Monpellier





Inelia Benz Event in Barcelona, ​​Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hours: from 10am in the morning at 8pm, with several breaks throughout the day.

Language: Inelia will speak Spanish, there will not be translation into any other language.

Event Price: 100 € (does not include food or stay)

Availability is limited, so book now.


​Aula Magna of MARTI-CODOLAR,  Salesian Residence,


Avda. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 15,

08035- Barcelona

Metro: Green Line​

Station: MONTBAU

Participants will have access to an open buffet restaurant in house, which opens at 13:30 for lunch.  

Martí Codolar Salesian Seminary is a landscaped site and removed from the hustle of the city. It is located in the northern part of Barcelona. The location has a hostel, if you want to stay there, we suggest you make a reservation as soon as possible as they have high demand for their rooms.

To book your room, send an email to: reservas@marti-codolar.net are indicating that you are from the group participating at the Inelia Benz Event. Half board (breakfast and lunch) is € 45,75, or full board: 55, 25 €.


For more information about the event, and registration, please email Adalia here: eventos.inelia@gmail.com or phone  +34 654 155864 / +34 676579757

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Inelia Benz Event in Monpellier, Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hours: from 10am in the morning at 8pm, with several breaks throughout the day.

Lunch will be at 13h, in the place of the event, price 20 € (for people not staying on site), Buffet. (You are not allowed to bring your own food, house rules)

Language: Inelia will speak in English with consecutive translation into French.

Event Price: 100 € (does not include food or stay)

Limited places.

Location: 25 km from Montpellier


Domaine Le Hameau de l'Etoile

Route of Frouzet



E-mail contact@hameaudeletoile.com


To book your accommodation please contact the event location directly indicating you are taking part in the Inelia Benz Event. Places are limited at this lodging.



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Lodging booking and information: Phone: Marie, mariedesourdy@orange.fr

If you are having technical difficulties during the event registration process, please contact Ilie directly here: iliep@ascension101.com

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Die Reise hat begonnen...


Tja, du weißt es! Die Dinge sind im Wandel. Die Welt verschiebt sich, und sie verschiebt sich SEHR SCHNELL. Wir befinden uns in einer Situation, in der die klare Unterscheidung zwischen denen, die erwacht und bewusst sind, und denen, die fest schlafen, täglich mehr und mehr offenbar wird.

Die Energien auf diesem Planeten waren, auf einer mystischen Ebene gesehen, noch nie so intensiv. Sie waren auch noch nie so polarisiert oder so scharf umrissen wie jetzt.

Für mich persönlich hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren, und ganz besonders in den Jahren, als ich den Job annahm, eine öffentliche Stimme der Ermächtigung zu werden, meine Rolle mehrfach von einem Moment zum anderen geändert. Und gerade in den letzten Monaten ist in der Art der Arbeit, um die ich gebeten werde, ein massiver Wechsel eingetreten.

Und der erste Schritt auf dieser neuen Reise ist gemacht. Ich bin jetzt in Europa. Nächstes Jahr werde ich die ganze Länge von Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika entlangreisen. Warum? Weshalb? Um dich zu berühren.

Wie mit Freunden und Familie während der Feiertage umgehen…


Es ist wieder Dezember, und der größte Teil des Planeten geht in „Religions-Modus“. Dadurch geraten verschiedene Dinge in unser Leben und in unsere Energiefelder. Eines davon ist die kulturelle Tradition, mit Personen Zeit zu verbringen, mit denen wir normalerweise keine Zeit verbringen würden.

Eine zweite Sache ist, dass wir uns wieder darauf einlassen, unsere Macht an eine dritte Partei abzugeben, um dadurch „verbunden“ zu werden mit unserem Höheren Selbst, Gott, Göttlichem Bewusstsein, Ursprungsenergie, Göttin, Gaia und/oder anderen Manifestationen unserer Göttlichkeit. Mit anderen Worten: unsere „Nicht-Verbindung“ zu unserem inneren Selbst wird verstärkt.

Das hat im sozialen Leben verschiedene Folgen. Wir haben zum Beispiel überall auf der Welt die höchsten monatlichen Selbstmordraten. Verzweiflung und das Gefühl von „Leere“ verstärken sich. Persönliche Schwächen, Abhängigkeiten und Süchte werden ausgelöst.

Interview with a Psychic Assassin - Inelia Benz's newest novel is here!

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IT'S HERE!!! My latest novel "Interview with a Psychic Assassin" is now available in electronic format. Instant download available here: Interview with a Psychic Assassin Download.

I write novels to impart otherwise inaccessible information which expands our minds and knowledge base on how Earth has been run.  What also happened with this novel was that my life transformed completely during its writing.

My personal life transformation was a complete surprise to me. What I can say is that now I live somewhere different, my environment is highly and completely supportive and nurturing, and I am now in the most incredibly loving, equal, honoring and amazing love partnership of my life. So incredibly amazing that it is way beyond anything I had ever imagined.  And that energy, that transformative quality, is embedded in the book. 

Since its publication, I have received hundreds of comments and messages that also reflect the transformative energy which the book carries.

My feeling is that this can be an ordinary novel, just a run of the mill novel that one reads and then remembers, or not, for the rest of one's life. But it also has the energy and capacity to expand and transform a person's life as much as that person allows, wants or intends.  Free will at its best.  Doors are opened for us to walk through throughout the novel, but it's really up to us whether we want to walk through them or not.  We have full control over the experience we have during the reading of the novel. And then we read it again, and find out there are hundreds of other doors which have magically appeared, and that reflects a massive growth of awareness.

Looking Ahead - 2015 in View

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In January 2014, I wrote about how the human collective felt much more powerful. What this meant is that it didn't matter if individuals were awake or asleep, they were more able to do, affect and influence themselves, their surrounding and the people in their lives and environment.

In 2015 I feel very strongly that we must take responsibility for our power. We can't expect the sleeping masses to take responsibility (ability to respond) as they are in a cycle of reaction rather than response, but we can't say the same about ourselves.

So what type of things are we talking about?

Well, let me quote from the Developing Mystical Skills for Everyday Life MP3:

"I often hear individuals say that they seem to be getting more sensitive to the energies in crowds, in shops and other public places. Or more sensitive to the energies of people at work, their families and their friends. This is true. But also what is happening is that people around them, everyone on the planet, are becoming more powerful. They become more able to broadcast their energy, to broadcast their thoughts, intents, their fears, their desires, their stress, their joys… You name it, they’re broadcasting it, a thousand times more powerfully than what they used to do in the past.

I'm living on a boat with a perfect soulmate... really, I am :)

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One of the things that individuals will most often say to me, is that what they respect about me is that I walk my talk. That my personal life is not only open and transparent, but it perfectly reflects what I teach. I use the tools I have developed and/or "uploaded" from our common Source and integrate them into my daily life.

When I have a personal breakthrough, it's something which has come about through directly using the developed or uploaded tools. This is how I know they work, I use them myself!

On the 24th of December 2014, I published my newest novel, "Interview with a Psychic Assassin".  During the writing of the novel, and parallel to it's end, I found out that a close friend of mine was in fact my life partner.  My life has completely changed since then, for the better.

This didn't happen overnight, or simply because I wrote the novel, or simply because I finally saw him.  The novel was simply the physical manifestation of a change that began in 2010, when I agreed to go public and become a voice of empowerment for our human species.

In 2010, I brought into our collective consciousness the Ascension101 Course. This is an amazing foundation for anyone who wants to empower themselves, wake up fully, or simply needs a refresher course to get them back on track after decades of spiritual training.  I have since "taken" the course several times. Every time there is more growth, understanding and my life becomes easier and easier. This caused huge changes in my life, and also has given me the strength and energy I needed to be a public figure. I am a recluse by nature you see, very private and prefer to observe than be observed and prefer to listen than to be listened to.  The Course gave me the connection I needed to all aspects of myself that required strengthening and healing.

But what about my personal life? What about love?

Let's help fix Inelia's boat home!

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In my life, I haven't really "asked for support" for a personal project. The support I request is usually for a collective need, such as the Global Ascension Center, or Ascension101. But for personal support, there was never an opportunity for me to actively ask for support. When I heard how much money it will cost to repair some key areas of our boat's hull (which is our home), the first thing I thought of was, "I'll ask for support from my audience, start a crowdfunder or something like that". Which was soon after blocked by... "how does one do that?" And then I hit a program which said, "asking for help for your personal life is wrong".

When I looked at that program I was really surprised it was there because the individuals who follow my work, and hang out with me, are extremely supportive all the time, and would be really happy to be part of an inflow of energy and well being into my personal life. Yet, every time I look, that program kicks in. It feels artificial and external, but there must be something in my own field where it latches on, or it wouldn't affect me.

Language as a tool of enslavement...

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altHave you wondered why we all spell things the same way, well not quite, as in England we spell things differently as in the States - same with Spanish from Spain and Spanish from South America, but generally it's pretty uniform.
Also, did you know that the structuring of sentences (e.g. some people beLIEve that a sentence MUST have a subject, verb, and no more than one adjective... must all be in the same tense... and same "person")... is a very recent invention?

It blocks the free flow of information and energy behind the words. Not only of writing it, but also of it being received. If the writing has "mistakes" or "errors", a person stuck in the "grammar matrix" will not be able to understand it, or will get terribly distracted by these "errors in grammar" and miss the point, thought, or energy being carried in the piece they were reading. It creates minds that are barren (only in expression), restricted and overall unsure of how to express fully, without mistakes.

Not all Greys are Created Equal

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In my newest novel "Interview with a Psychic Assassin", I explored the nature of Greys. In it, I mentioned some thoughts about Greys, what they do, their technology, and where they might come from. The discussion, in the novel, went on for about two pages and explored the main character's experience with Greys during her military government training.

Since writing the novel, I have been asked several times about the nature of Greys. I have also received emails and posts saying that Greys are all evil, and sent links to websites that prove it. And some that say that Greys are good, and those come with links to websites that prove it too.

The thing is, looking at the evidence of our interactions with Greys throughout history, we start to see certain patterns that are replicated from culture to culture.

Project, Joy or Duty? Let's take a closer look at relationships

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Our human species is all about relationships.

What are these relationships? The relationship we personally have with ourselves, the one we have with our environment, and the relationships we have with every single person who touches our life.

Some of those relationships are nurturing. The nurturing relationships positively influence us, put us in a state of joy, and we usually talk or think about those individuals in highly positive words.

Other relationships are toxic. Toxic relationships poison us, put us in a negative state of mind or emotion. We usually talk or think about these individuals in negative words. Or we find ourselves making an awful lot of excuses for them, or validating their actions with "understanding" where they are or they came from. These poisonous relationships will usually bring a lot of drama, whether directly or indirectly, into our lives.

By making a simple two sided list, and putting everyone we have a relationship with in it on one side or the other, whether at work, home, social groups, online, or school, etc., we can start having some clarity on the patterns we are falling into. Obviously some people won't fit in either or will fit in both ;) Remember, this is just an exercise where we put the "main" energy we detect or share with the person recently. It may have been radically different a year ago, or it might be very varied, changing all the time.

At this point, if there are people in the poisonous side of the paper, it's important NOT to fall into judgment or guilt ourselves, for having these relationships, or the people we are playing these low level games with. This little exercise is not about judgment, or even action. It is about becoming conscious and aware of what is happening in our lives.

Have you been thinking of dying?

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Normally I get one or two suicide notes every few months through my internet pages or social networks.  The past two months not only have those gone up, but also messages telling me of friends and relatives, or acquaintances, of the individuals who write to me suddenly dying or committing suicide.

What's interesting about the increase in suicide messages, is that they are coming in from people who have manifested amazingly beautiful and satisfactory lives. They are empowered, love what they are doing, love their environment and the people around them. But suddenly an urge, desire, or simply thoughts of suicide, of exiting the planet, of leaving it all at last, or of "going home", have plagued them for no apparent reason.

When You Wake up...

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For most of us waking up in a world that is still asleep is a very harsh and difficult experience. Having not fully gone to sleep in the first place, the realization that everyone around you is fast asleep can sometimes take years if not decades. And in between, there is this feeling, knowing, that something is seriously wrong with "reality".  But as everyone else seems to tell you, think, and believe, that all is well, then that "wrongness" is internalized as something personal. Often you become convinced that there is something seriously wrong with you.

So you spend the next few years, decades, trying to make yourself "right", "normal". This can happen in many forms, but two are most common: One is to do everything possible to make yourself fit into the agreed reality, where fear, war, pollution, and having to pay to live on this planet is "normal". The second one is to make "normal reality" be wrong and step into a journey of discovery and expansion that makes what you feel and "know" to be right. Yet, all the time fitting, recruiting, and finding others who are also awake, waking up, or "wrong" to society at large.

Eventually, you decide it's actually OK to be "different". This can come about by your inner voice, or an expression of your inner voice through your environment. What follows is usually an insatiable desire for knowledge, information, data and connection with others who you perceive are also awake.

Who Exactly Controls Your Manifestations??

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In 2006 something radical changed in the human collective consciousness. This radical thing was that the word, and concept, of "manifestation" became known and "normal" in Western culture. The reason was the book and movie "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne, which became an overnight sensation.

Millions of people started doing the "manifestation exercises" described in the movie. A multi-million dollar industry was born, with the people in the movie  writing more and more books about manifestation, holding workshops and retreats, and training an army of "manifestation experts" to help the rest of us with our own manifestation skills.  Many of these products were marketed with words such as "the missing ingredient to manifestation", or "what The Secret doesn't tell you", or "why your manifestation exercises don't work", "the real key to manifestation".

The knowledge base around manifestation grew in unprecedented directions and capacity. It has probably been one of the most amazing and expansive growths in human consciousness and empowerment in our lifetime.

If you have followed my work for a while now, you will probably be familiar with two things about me. One is that I see things differently to most other individuals out there, and this gives us all an advantage and opportunity to grow in consciousness, and the other is that I have always encouraged you to pursue and study everything there is to know about "manifestation".

Why am I so interested that you learn and become an expert manifestor? The answer is very simple.

Is the Path of the Shaman Calling You? - Machi

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On our planet, we are indeed one collective consciousness. Every single species is conscious and joined with other consciousness around us. But for us, humans, this larger existence is "invisible", or "unreachable" most of the time. There are some amazing singular beings and also amazing collective beings (in every single flavor) on this planet. And just getting to know them is an amazing journey.

The topic is making its way into our collective awareness for sure.

People who can connect, communicate and co-create with different earth species, as well as travel through dimensions, are often called, or labeled, "shamans". The word "shaman" is originally from Eastern Europe, but nowadays is has very different, or broader, meaning. I have met a handful of shamans in my life, and they were not limited to Native people, or to any particular race. But as soon as we met, there was a knowing of the other, their skills and their abilities. I am not a shaman, but I do carry a shamanic stream of consciousness within me. One that I have not developed nor identify with, but have used on occasion and have also "shared" with a handful of people around the world.

Allan Silberhartz and Heaven on Earth

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I have had a feeling the last few days. Not exactly a visit, but certainly a sense that a person I knew and respected is well and happy, and reconnected with his essence... more like realized what it was he had been doing and who he is. This is interesting because he only now feels like he is fully reconnected with his higher self, even though he passed away over a year ago.

When I was a kid, probably teen, there were only three tv channels in England. BBC1, BBC2 and ITV (the last would change name depending on where you lived). On BBC2, I think it was, there was a show with two North American hosts, a man who had long curly black hair, and a lady with long red hair. They would chat about healing, psychic abilities, planetary energies and also interview super interesting people.

In those days there was no way to record tv shows so they had to be watched live. I don't remember if they were on during the weekend (probably first thing Sunday mornings) or during the week, in which case I probably watched them while playing hooky from school.

I used to love this show because it talked about things that in those days most people had no idea about. It was refreshing and made me feel like there were sane people out there in the world. While watching, I would often answer the questions the hosts were posing the guests, and in my mind, would have full conversations with them, as though I was in the show myself.

And then, one day, the show was gone.

Sometimes I lose my patience...

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altWARNING! The next four paragraphs are filled with what is going on in the alternative and main media outlets... but bear with me, it will all become very clear from the fifth paragraph onward:

The past month, or three, has seen a flurry of end of the world predictions, with their accompanying saviors.  Apparently we have avoided two major world and species annihilations thanks to the dedicated work and organized world meditations by ultra dimensional beings and their followers.  OH! and apparently they have ensured we will "wake up and evolve" more for the next year, due to their diligent work. Thank you :D

We are not out of the woods yet apparently, as yet another scheduled end of the world comes up in about a week from now. And it doesn't matter if you are reading this in 2015 or 2017, it's very likely there's a scheduled end of the world scenario every month for the next several years or decades.

And... at least three spiritual teachers have fallen off their pedestals by exploiting their followers sexually, emotionally, mentally and sometimes financially too.  There are now dedicated sites stating that all spiritual advancement, empowerment sites and teacher are bullshit and their followers are now liberated, going back to "real life" and rejoining the workforce.

The Elemental Shamans

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One of the topics I will be discussing at my Gathering at the Beginning of the World event in December 2015 are the Elemental Shamans.

Introduction to the Elemental Shamans.

In July 2015 Larry (my fiance) and I went on a hike with our dog Missy, my son Brett (age 9), and Larry's niece and nephew (age 10 and 14). We were looking for somewhere quiet as the town was full of people (4th of July crowd), so ended up going up a road which has been closed for some years due to a landslide.

We drove the car up that road for what seemed to be a long time, way longer than we expected (the landslide was not supposed to be very far). Soon after we entered the road, I started "seeing" (perceiving with my mind's eyes and energetically), several men on the edge of the road. They were mostly naked apart from a leather loin cloth type thing with pouches and hooks, they had weapons, long braided/matted hair (dark), their skin was white but adorned, and some had long braided beards. They looked quite young, in their 20s-30s but felt ancient. They moved through the trees and rocks following our car, super fast, and close to the ground.

Up the road, we saw a creek, waterfall and some rock water pools. Larry and the kids run up the creek. All of them called me over, but there was a barrier there, a no entry sign that I knew if I broke, I would suffer for it. So, I said I was going up the road instead and walked away. Larry and the kids disappeared into the woods. This, separating from the group, is a terrible idea in the wilderness. After a few minutes I realized it was a bad idea and started walking back.

A few minutes after that, a massive black fly started following me. It was very strange looking, changing shape physically several times. I then "saw" one of these men, he was older than the ones I had seen before and had a staff, not a weapon. He told me that we had to get out or he would take one of the kids. I saw the younger kids falling into the water, one of the pools had no bottom so it would take my son into the "earth". I told him as the adult here, I owned the kids which meant without my agreement he could not take them or their lives.
He responded an adult was with them, and he was violating their sacred portal, no permission had been given, or requested, to enter. I told him that Larry didn't know about these things, so could he give us a "pass" this time. He said that I had to tell Larry to leave immediately, or he would send a bear to chase him out and kill one of the kids.

Die Schamanenhütte


Die Einnahmen aus meinem Dezember-2015-Event werden nach Abzug der Unkosten für die Realisierung der Schamanenhütte verwendet. Was ist die Shaman shack, die Hütte des Schamanen?

Vor einiger Zeit bat mich meine innere Führung, mir einmal ein blaugraues Fertighaus anzuschauen. Ich hatte das Haus auf dem Highway 101 gesehen, zwischen Port Angeles und Sequim, Washington.

Wir sind hingegangen, um es anzusehen, und haben festgestellt, dass es ein Veranstaltungsgebäude war. Die Instruktionen waren eindeutig: Schau das blaugraue Haus an, schau die Pläne an, kauf das Haus nicht. Das haben wir gemacht, ohne dass wir wussten, was wir als nächstes tun sollten.

Einige Wochen später begann Larry eine Ausbildung mit dem Erde-Menschen-Bewusstseinsstrom (einem schamanischen Weg), und verschiedene andere Leute äußerten ebenfalls Interesse, von und mit diesem Zweig des schamanischen Bewusstseins zu lernen.

Ich wachte eines Tages auf und wusste, das Haus ist ein Zeichen, um loszugehen und einen Platz für eine Schamanenhütte zu finden. Eine Schamanenhütte ist ein offener Eingangspunkt, der im Wesentlichen ein Platz dafür ist, Den Schamanen Zu Finden.

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