Channel: Personal And Global Ascension 2012 - 2017 are you ready?
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Free Manifestation Series! Sign up now...

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We are all manifesting all the time, moment to moment. The only question is how do get some control over what shows up as our reality? If we are manifesting all the time why do we sometimes get things that we don't want? Or why is it super hard sometimes and at other times is as easy as pie?

The key to this is conscious versus unconscious manifestation. I have created a series to empower you to move from unconscious manifestation to conscious manifestation and also to look at and disolve any blocks that you may find when using your favorite manifestation tools and processes.

In order to sign up for this free program you just need to open the page below and enter you name and email:

Sign Up Today for the Manifestation Series here:


Please share with everyone you think would enjoy being part of this series!

Gathering at the Beginning of the World - December 2015

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Inelia Benz will be spending 3 days with 33 amazing individuals at the Beginning of the World. Are you in?

Dates: (17) - 18 - 19 - 20 - (22) December, 2015

Location: Neah Bay, Washington.

Click here to buy your ticket.  

Your ticket covers three full days with Inelia Benz and all food and drink during the three days. It also includes a free half day on the 17th for registration, dinner, meet and greet and meditation for anyone who wants to attend. We will also be having free evening activities that are optional to attend.  The ticket does not cover lodging or transportation to and from the event location.  It will, however, cover transportation within the Makah Reservation when we go on field trips.

IMPORTANT: Please download and read this PDF for information about food, transport, location, lodging and much more. The pdf contains much more details than this web page and it may help you decide if you want to come.

On the 22nd, Inelia and Larry will be going to a sacred cave which is very difficult to get to (climbing vertical muddy cliffs and going over low tide rocks). This will take place during daylight hours on the 22nd, with a meditation/contemplation hour between 8pm and 9pm at a different (easier to reach) location. This not part of the event, but if you are still around on the 22nd, you are welcome to take part. There is no charge for this activity.

Mystische Etikette – 11 Punkte für die Annäherung an fremde Menschen oder Spezies


Wenn wir zum ersten Mal einen neuen Kommunikationskanal öffnen oder eine neue Kommunikationsfähigkeit finden, werden wir oft fähig, zu verschiedenen Spezies erstmals Kontakt aufzunehmen.

Beim Dezember-2015-Event werden wir erforschen, wie wir mit anderen Erdenwesen und mit ultra-dimensionalen Wesen Kontakt aufnehmen können. Und dazu gehört, was wir hinterher tun. Es gibt eine bestimmte Etikette, der wir folgen müssen oder die wir uns wenigstens bewusst machen müssen, wenn wir erstmals Kontakt aufnehmen.

Mit verschiedenen Spezies meine ich Tiere, Bäume, ultra-dimensionale Wesen, ETs, Geister, doch diese Informationen sind auch für die Kommunikation mit anderen Menschen sehr relevant.

Es gibt bestimmte energetische Faktoren, die vorschreiben, wer von ihnen und wie diese Spezies oder diese Menschen mit uns kommunizieren können. Wenn wir die grundlegenden Benimmregeln der Kommunikation lernen, können wir uns nicht nur besser mit anderen Menschen unterhalten, sondern wir wissen auch dann, wenn es um Tiere, Pflanzen, Elementarwesen und ultra-dimensionale Spezies geht, wie wir einen positiven und klaren Kommunikationskanal herstellen.

Inelia Benz. 3 Days, 33 Awesome Participants. Limitless Possibilities.

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  Virtual Retreat

Since 2010 Inelia Benz mission has been to kick-start and turbo-boost your spiritual journey with expert, insightful advice and tips, as well as her own contagiously high vibrational level.

Events provide us with the opprotunity to join our energy Source fields, creating the potential for enormous personal expansion.

On December 18th 2015, for 3 days Inelia is hosting a retreat at the Makah Native American Reservation in Washington, USA; otherwise known as the “Gathering at the Beginning of the World”.

This will be a unique opportunity to enjoy the only event Inelia is doing for 2015. Onsite participation is $1500, you will be able to download all the information shared, fieldtrip exercises and bonus material for only $222. And, weather permitting, you will also be able to join the morning sessions on live webcam (3 hours live broadcast).

You are invited to download the virtual retreat on these dates with possible live webcam access each morning*. Receive your own copies of the MP3 audio and MP4 video file after these have been edited and compiled which includes the full morning session videos, afternoon’s fieldtrips and bonus material, all for just $222. You may alternatively purchase single-day access at $87 per day.

Purchase your virtual retreat now with the following options:

18th of December $87 Add to cart

19th of December $87 Add to cart

20th of December $87 Add to cart

All 3 days: $222 Add to cart

So what will you be doing from the 18th to the 20th of December?

Join Inelia at the Beginning of the World whilst learning some new tools and help fund the amazing Shamanshack for your future use as a bonus!

Proceeds from this retreat will be used for the purchase and installation of supporting structures at The Shamanshack.  The Shamanshack is a center for shamanic instruction, retreat, contemplation and gathering being established by Inelia Benz and Larry Buzzell to serve the Makah Tribe and humanity. More information on the Shamanshack can be found here.



*Please note, weather permitting, you will also have live webcam access for the morning sessions! Due to the natural and remote setting for this event, sometimes powerlines or phone-lines go down for several days. In the case of there being no internet access at the event location during or after the event days, there might be a delay in uploading the files onto the Ascension101 site for your personal access. If so, our tech team will let you know and keep you updated on our connectivity.


My thoughts about Walk With Me Now

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It is now one and a half years since the Ascension101 Team and I set up the Walk With Me Now Empowerment Platform. The platform where I am making myself personally available to support your expansion of awareness and self empowerment.

Being part of this platform is definitely a way to both accelerate our personal deprogramming and empowerment, and also make it more gentle as it is shared among all of us. We all give and receive strength, insights and we walk this path together. The road to full empowerment can be short and gentle, or long and arduous, or anything in between. Mostly, it is as long and easy as we "believe" it has to be. Each journey is basically tailor-made for each of us. The fact that you are reading this, means you can handle a fast and gentle journey.

I can sense that we are ready for the next step, and as one of our members mentions in a forum thread, "exploring community". Community for me is not just about living together and surviving the world in a good and nurturing way. It is also about making a jump in evolution as a collective. To truly step into that full communication and co-creation we are capable of.

Lebst du in einer schlechten Beziehung?


Ich weiß, es ist ziemlich offensichtlich, dass deine Beziehung nicht gut ist, wenn du dich das schon fragst. Doch oft ist es fast unmöglich zu WISSEN, dass wir Recht haben, zu WISSEN, dass dies keine gute Beziehung für uns ist, wenn nämlich alles, was wir durch eigene Erfahrung, durch die Aussagen anderer und durch die uns umgebende Welt gesehen, gehört und gelernt haben, lautet: „So laufen die Dinge, so sind sie immer gelaufen, und so werden sie immer sein“.

Ich würde sagen, unterrichte dich selbst darin, was eine gute Beziehung ist, und pass dich nicht an eine schlechte an. Bitte schau dir dieses Video an. Wer immer es gemacht hat, hat es GROSSARTIG gemacht:


Hör es dir GANZ, GANZ OFT an. Vielleicht lädst du es dir als MP3 auf deinen MP3-Player herunter und hörst es mit Kopfhörern immer und immer wieder tagsüber und nachts. Plötzlich wird das, was als wahr gilt, sich wegbewegen von „Beziehungen sind harte Arbeit“, „Auseinandersetzungen sind normal“ … und all den anderen Sch…-Glaubenssätzen mit ganz niedriger Schwingung, die uns eingeimpft werden, um uns unten zu halten.

Warum ich mich 2017 aus der Öffentlichkeit verabschiede.


Mein Name ist Inelia Benz, und 2010 wurde ich von der Quelle/Gaia/dem menschlichen Kollektiv/dem Planetarischen Rat gebeten, an die Öffentlichkeit zu gehen. Damals wusste ich nicht genau, was das bedeutet, und die Instruktionen lauteten: „Sei einfach du selbst” auf einer öffentlichen Ebene. Werde „bekannt“ bei Leuten auf der ganzen Welt. „Bring die Botschaft der Ermächtigung zu den Massen”.

Davor hatte ich Bücher geschrieben, Leute beraten und Personen des öffentlichen Lebens und Lichtarbeiterinnen und -arbeiter dabei geholfen, aufzuwachen und das menschliche Kollektiv zu unterstützen. Doch mein Name war dabei klein geblieben, mein Foto tauchte nie auf, und ich habe ganz sicher keine Events oder Interviews gemacht. Ich war für die Öffentlichkeit nicht erreichbar, um Fragen zu beantworten; die Öffentlichkeit wusste nicht mal, dass ich existiere. Für mich war ein Autor, eine Autorin irrelevant. Wenn ich zum Beispiel ein gutes Buch las, dann war mir die Botschaft wichtig, und oft fand ich auch den Namen des Autors wichtig, doch mein Name oder mein Auftauchen in der Öffentlichkeit waren das nicht. In dieser Gleichung war meine Person oder ob ich gesehen wurde oder nicht, irrelevant. Zu der Zeit haben sich meine Bücher sehr gut verkauft, und sie gaben eine Menge Werkzeuge und Informationen zur Verwendung weiter, doch es war buchstäblich unmöglich für irgendjemanden, mich persönlich zu kontaktieren, und die meisten Leuten kannten nicht mal meinen Namen oder wussten nicht, dass ich eine Frau war.

Da ich eine sehr private und einzelgängerische Person bin, gefiel mir die Bitte, öffentlich bekannt zu werden, überhaupt nicht. Ich habe klargestellt, dass das nichts ist, was mir angenehm wäre oder was ich wollte; deshalb war meine erste Antwort: „Nein, findet jemand anderen.“ Außerdem: Warum sollte es in irgendeiner Weise interessant oder wichtig sein, mein Gesicht zu zeigen oder Leuten meinen Namen zu sagen? Ich konnte das nicht verstehen, obwohl ich immer das Gefühl hatte, dass der Tag kommen könnte, an dem ich diese Rolle würde annehmen müssen.

Ich erhielt die Antwort, dass Menschen sich auf echte Menschen beziehen und dass ich eine reale Person war. Dass es viel wirkungsvoller wäre, sich auf eine echte Person zu beziehen als auf ein gesichtsloses Buch oder eine unpersönliche Meditation.

Do Spiritual People Have Nervous Breakdowns?

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Recently, I was asked by my daughter Daniela, "do spiritual people have nervous breakdowns?". The reason was that she was having a really tough time and the inevitable thought came up that while working on our advancement, our evolution, processing negativity, inspiring and generating positivity, we "should not" fall into really tough emotional, mental and sometimes physical situations, events or energies.

I have seen hardcore spiritual teachers who are loving and inspirational fall into total despair, drunken stupor, try to commit suicide, get seriously sick, or lash out verbally, emotionally and sometimes physically at those around them . Of course, to the students, friends and supporters, abusive behavior comes as a huge shock. And rightly so. No one needs to put up with abuse from anyone. But the question here is, why does this happen?

Inelia Benz in Europe, July 2016

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Inelia: "Join me in Spain for my very last public Live Grand Event, this July 2016"


WHEN: 23rd of July, 2016 - Schedule

WHERE: Girona, Spain - Details

PRICE: Limited number of tickets at 100€ for the Grand Event - Register
Special price until May (regular price is 133€ )

Event Details:

On July 23rd, 2016, I will be in Girona, Spain to do an empowerment event unlike any I've done before. It will include an Online Course, ticket to the event, and live (English only) broadcast online access. This event will be in English with headset translation into Spanish and French.

My main intent, and the reason I am doing this event is to facilitate your personal empowerment and the empowerment of our entire species, the human race.

How will I achieve that? Well, I won’t! YOU will. By participating in this event, you will be both creating, tapping into and accessing YOUR power within. You will be tapping into your SOURCE and sharing it with the entire human species.

So, what’s the big deal? You can do this every single day of your life to manifest and transform yourself and your environment into the life you really want.  Well, the big deal is that we are going to do it TOGETHER, at the same time, with hundreds of other individuals in Spain and AROUND THE GLOBE. This superboosts your own power and capacity to manifest and expand your capacities a thousandfold. Plus, the Online Course will be an excellent refresher on how to use your personal power and skills to the maximum and with full conscious awareness during the event as well as in daily life before and after the event.

My role is to facilitate the coordination, meeting, and broadcasting of both the event and the energy around the planet that day. This is made possible by your participation, the Ascension101 Team’s dedication and work, and the fact that the Human Collective is now READY for this.

Once you buy your ticket, you will start receiving emails from the team and I. These emails will contain the Course which will support you and give you some super good tools and pointers you can start using right away (please note that the first of these emails will be sent out to you at the end of April). We will be covering tools such as “Observation” as a key to resolution and manifestation. Reconnecting with the human race in a safe and “stuff free” manner. Superpowered Dreaming as a tool of clarity, goal achievement, and manifestation … and SO MUCH MORE.

This is my last public event, and  I want you to be there  for it. That is why we have made the content huge, and the price tiny. Our event coordinator, Adalia, has made amazing deals with a local hotel (first come first served), so book now before it’s too late! We will send you the discount code and contact details for the hotel as soon as you book your ticket.

Why am I giving so much attention in expanding your power and skills? Because you ARE the creator of the New Paradigm. As you YOURSELF embody the new paradigm, the entire human collective shifts into it. Win-Win!

Why Girona? Girona is in an energy vortex which we will be tapping into, plus it is very well connected to the world with airports and trains in France and Spain.

This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity to do this with me, so don’t miss out!

*Please note that the Day Tickets for the Meet and Greet are now sold out.  If you plan on attending the live event in Spain, grab your Grand Event ticket now because once the room is sold out, only online live broadcast access will be available (for the same price) .

The live event is multilingual

In Girona, Inelia will be speaking in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and French through headsets. (Please note that the headset rental is not included in the ticket price.)

Get your ticket today!



Event will take place this summer on the 23rd of July, 2016!


Grand Event starts at: 3:30pm and ends at 7:30pm (Spain Time)

Meet and Greet Room opens at 10:30am and closes at 8:00pm (Spain Time). Meet and Greet with Inelia is between 11:00am and 1:00pm.

Register now



Event will be hosted at Auditori Palau de Congressos in Girona, Spain.

Exact Address: Auditori Palau de Congressos, Pg. de la Devesa, 35, 17001 Girona, Spain

Location on map: MAP

Download the detailed informational PDF alt.




Get your "Full Day Meet and Greet" Ticket - Sold out.

Grand Event Tickets are avaible below.

Get your Grand Event Ticket

Tickets in Zone A - special price until 15th of May - limited numbers.

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Tickets in Zone B -  special price until 25th of May - limited numbers.

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Alternatively, for bank transfers, send an email to eventos.inelia@gmail.com

Further information and registration: eventos.inelia@gmail.com +34 676.579.757

Refund policy: Cancellations before 15th of June incur a 15% processing fee. After 15th of June there will be no refunds.

See you at the event!


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One of the participants on the WalkWithMeNow platform, Julien Drouin, has written this interesting piece about the connection between living in a state of fear and what effects it can have on the body. He is a Medical Doctor living and practicing in Marseille France.

As a member of walkwithmeknow.com, we have to do an exercice each week. Meditation, visualisations, readings etc…  One was to read Anita Moorjani's book: “Dying to be Me - My journey from cancer to near death to true healing”. After reading it, we discuss it on the platform and I had the idea to write the article below:


In her book "Dying to be Me - My journey from cancer to near death to true healing." Anita Morrjani explains how she healed from terminal cancer after a near death experience (NDE).

The biggest change she made was to drop fear. Fear of not being good enought, fear of failling, fear of conflicts (people pleaser) etc...

I higly recommend that you watch her 7 minutes interview here: video

Really? Just dropping fear and cancer heals?

The Essential Guide to Spiritual Events

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Expectations and Agendas

Why do we join groups or go to events?  Firstly I would like to share with you the following article which I wrote about the subject in 2009:

Ascension and Groups

It was Jesus that was reported to have said something in the nature of "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."

This sentence promotes a 3D group. A savior is needed, or a deity or person to focus one's love to, rather than existing as each individual being Source.

It is no secret, although to me it is a real mystery, that when two or more people of a high vibrational nature meet, their ability to affect their own work, lives, environment or visions, is much more effective than when only one person is there. It is almost as though by joining with others, the power generated is greater than the sum of the total individual powers.

Symptoms of Timeline Jumping - Oh boy it's timeline bazaar!

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I have spoken about timelines in various interviews and also mention them in the Ascension101 Course.  And during our event on July 23rd, we will do a mass exercise to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE a highly resonant timeline. The methods and tools to do that will be sent to ticket holders before the event so you can start practicing.

As a young child (about 3-4 years old), I became aware of the timeline in which I was living. When I realized which one it was, I had a total breakdown. I didn't stop crying for three days. I lost my voice and ran out of tears. I didn't sleep or eat, just cried inconsolably. At the end of the three days, and when I started fading, my parents took me to the doctor, who injected me with a tranquilizing agent and sent me home. I fell asleep and when I woke up, all was well.

I had a very clear knowing even then that we have many, many timeline options and also that the one we are in is not a good one if you don't like drama or pain. But I stayed. Throughout my life I have had clear points where I experienced a timeline shift, resulting in very specific life changes. Some were positive, some were negative. Most of these, but not all, were taken unconsciously. And the "memory" and sense of the other timeline, the one I did not choose, was very close, active, almost reachable, for a while.

In all those situations my sense of "personal timeline" stayed put. It was "me" who was staying in this choice, and another timeline branching off into the other choice with a slightly different "Inelia" on it. Me, but not my experience.  Except for one timeline shift that was different to all the rest. That one happened just over a week ago and the difference was that I knew and felt that the experience of Me, had come in from a different timeline into this one.  Instead of having a clear and solid memory and reality that this was my timeline, the opposite was true. My timeline and life up to that point was completely different. And at that point I entered into this timeline into completely unfamiliar surroundings and relationships. The other interesting aspect was that I immediately knew what was happening and that soon I would be able to access this timeline's memory constructs and reality, and be able to live in it without anyone knowing.

When Sex gets in the Way of Love

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Note: I do want to point out that I cover this topic in great detail on Sex, Love and Soulmates Audio Course, and will be doing an online live workshop this month August 2016 which you are invited to attend.

One of our main drives as human beings is to have sex with another person. This activity is exploited by the old paradigm to unfathomable extremes.  

Most of us have no idea that when we engage in the sexual act, we are releasing huge amounts of energy. An energy that can be tapped into and used by others. Also an energy that fuels and feeds what we are thinking and feeling at the time.

A lot of men and women get more than a little confused when they find themselves in the middle of the sexual act and although they are stimulated and triggered to continue, feel disgust or thoughts that they really don’t want to be doing that right there and then with that person… worse so if the person in question is the one they are in love with.

Most of us are never told that when we are involved in a sexual relationship (even a one night stand) we are merging and exchanging at a mystical as well as physical level. If the other person is not in a good space, or has had previous sexual partners who left hooks in their body, we will engage with that energy too.

Equinox Special - I'm Back! ... Wait, where did I go?

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If you have Facebook, Instagram or twitter, you will probably already know that Larry and I went to Europe on an Abraham Hicks Cruise workshop. It was paid in full by Gaia’s unwavering support of Larry’s fishing.

I was very excited to watch Esther Hicks at work. And she did not disappoint. Her event was well managed (really, really well managed - her team is amazing) and the sessions were very informative, funny and energizing. Some of her teachings are not resonant to me, but her purity of intent shines bright.

The reason we went, apart from research, was because both Larry and I have independently wanted to do a Mediterranean cruise. The thought of doing a cruise was always accompanied by the thought that most people in cruises go there to have one long party and not have to drive home drunk at night. Not really our lifestyle. But the thought of a ship filled with people who are working on themselves, learning manifestation tools, and fully committed to improving their lives, now THAT is a crowd I don’t mind sharing a ship with at all.

Creating Change: A warrior's path

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I saw this picture on the internet and it reminded me of a situation I heard about some time back. It also reminded me of a question that was posted by a member at walkwithmenow.com that was related to changing a country/society by our presence there.

A few years ago I met a beautiful woman, powerful, empowered, and highly intelligent woman, who had decided to work for Monsanto so that she could change things from the inside. I don’t actually remember what her position within the company was, but she worked there for many years. She said she had made multiple proposals for change, and had many conversations with managers and project leaders on how things could be done better.

When I asked her if she had changed anything in all those years, she said that there was at least one employee who worked there that left the company after several in depth conversations. She said that this employee told her she had made a huge change in her life. I asked her about the company, had she made any changes on how the company operated. She  responded that she didn’t see any positive changes. That Monsanto got stronger, bigger and more powerful each year. She decided to leave, but was still unsure if she had done the right thing, whether she should go back, whether giving up was right, or wrong.

Yes, my books are available in paperback.

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I have received some messages and posts the past few weeks asking if my books are available in paperback format. Yes they are :)

You can find the paperback versions of my books directly from the publishers here:


Direct links to the individual books are:

Are you a Witch?

Bad things happening to good people

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altOccasionally we see excellent spiritual and empowerment teachers go through really challenging times. It could be a bad physical condition, a serious accident, nasty litigation, a conflict-filled divorce, a problematic relative or friend, addictions and other things.

Presently I myself am dealing with several of the above.

So why on earth would you use my tools to improve your life if I am still manifesting hardship?

I use my tools because they are designed to empower us in a conflict-ridden, low frequency environment. An environment that has people who will attack you either because they are of a low frequency Source, or because they have open doors to negativity. A human created environment that does not support your physical body, your mental body, your emotional body, your energy body or your egoic body.

They are tools that help you get out of wrong programs, assist you in getting informed and streetsmart, and also support you through really rough times in your life. They also help you to discern negative from positive choices and people, so that your life improves and gets more supportive, happier, healthier and better as time goes by.

High Frequency Emergency Kit

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This is a kit of files, ideas and sentences you can use when you fall into low frequency emotions, thoughts, body, situations and relationships.

It is an emergency kit that will help you pull out of those low frequency engagements. It is an active kit and it requires you have the full intention not to indulge in low frequency programs. It was co-created with the members at WalkWithMeNow.com

Use one or more of these items depending on the severity of the emergency and the length of the situation.

1. Count to Ten.

2. Breathe in slowly, and breathe out very fast, until the big emotion is past.

3. If you are in a situation where you can, then kneel on one knee, touch the ground with one hand and with one deep breath take stock of the emotions and situation.

Want to know what I see for 2017?

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Inelia looking stoicThis year is a very important year for all human beings on Earth. In this newsletter, I will give a summary of why it is an important year for us, what I can see, and also share what I will be doing personally from 2017 onward.

For a more indepth look, I created a video:

Watch on YouTube

Firstly, since around mid 2016, there have been waves of intensity that last about three months each, peaking at the end before they release and start again. These waves seem to be affecting people in different ways. The nature of the last wave, the one at the end of 2016, was of light/dark both pushing against each other and pulling away from each other both at a personal level and a social level.  

The wave that started at the end of December, and is going forward into 2017, is uncomfortable only if we are holding onto low frequency vibrations, actions, habits and relationships.

Healing the Hurt

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If you watched my Look at 2017 video, you will be familiar with the three aspects we will be facing in 2017. These three aspects are, Healing the Hurt, Commitment and Unification.

Today I want to address Healing the Hurt. I want to address what it means to actively heal the hurt we have in our lives, culturally, familial, social, and physical to then be able to act and do from a place of wholeness and joy.

When we act from a place of hurt, our actions are infused with pain, suffering, fear, anger and other low frequency vibrations. By healing the hurt inside of us before we act, we are not only empowered and clear of low frequency vibrations, but also we are actively feeding a world of peace, joy, love, abundance, nurturing energies and care without overlaying it, or giving power to, low frequency energies hijacking our work and actions.

There is no “one” modality to heal the hurt. Depending on your culture and upbringing, you may have access to multiple healing modalities. Find yourself a healer and heal your hurt! Or find a good resonant modality and do it by yourself.

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