Channel: Personal And Global Ascension 2012 - 2017 are you ready?

Did the chicken scratches get you?

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Chicken scratches? What on Earth is that, you might ask.

When we are actively embodying the highest vibrational frequency of who we are, life, people and situations will try to pull us back to low frequency co-creations. This happens because we have been playing low frequency games for thousands of years as a species and many programs are still running within us. And sometimes, those low frequency co-creations get us and pull us in full force. That’s why I want to share a tool I use with great success when this happens.

I want to tell you a story. It is a true story and the results have been quite significant. What’s funny about it is that I didn’t realize how significant it was until a few months ago.

This story started back in the last century around 1969 when I was three years old and visiting my grandmother in the country. At the time I lived with my parents in Chile, and my grandmother spent the summers at one of her family’s country houses in a small border town called Codegua.

I am SO DONE with all this BS...

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Yup, this article’s title is designed to bring you here if you have been getting angry or/and have come to the end of your rope with regard the chosen games our human collective has been experiencing in your lifetime.

You might have arrived here wondering why I am super angry all of a sudden. Or maybe you have been getting calls from clients and friends who are totally done with BS, have been ranting about it publicly or privately and want some understanding on what to do about it.

That we reached “the end of the rope” is a very accurate way to describe it actually. If you are personally feeling these feelings and thoughts, you are not alone or a bad person for having this experience.

You are not alone in this.

From 2015 the energy of anger and lack of patience has entered our lives in super strong short waves. Thoughts of “I am so done with this” and “I am so angry” combined with an knowing that more allowances or putting up with people, drama, situations and choices that are low frequency and a waste of our valuable time here on this beautiful planet is simply no longer an option. Each wave is stronger than the last.

Are you waiting for the EVENT? Well, it happened.

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You heard it here first!

Many people have been predicting an event, or shift, to happen on Earth. The interpretations of the nature and shape of this shift varied greatly in scope and nature depending on who was seeing or sensing it.

I personally did not sense or perceive anything huge or fantastic coming our way. Not in the positive or negative spectrum or frame. For me, the work we are here, all of us who are interested in a high frequency experience of physicality on Earth, was to moment to moment and day to day embody the new paradigm in our lives and bodies.

Summer 2017 Retreats with Inelia Benz

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  • August 18th to 24th
  • September 14th to 20th

Embodying the New Paradigm. How to create a high frequency life experience on Earth. A deep exploration of what Oneness is, enlightenment is, and how these relate to Paradigms of existence in a human body on Earth. Inelia will also relate and explore with you alternative timelines and expressions of reality in a human body that are open to be looked at.

We will also explore the difference between a journey to Oneness, a journey of expansion of awareness (ascension) and a journey of conscious manifestation ... and how all these relate to each other. The aim of this retreat is that by its completion, you will know what you want to achieve as your physical and soul experience here on Earth, and how to carry it out. Also, to spend time with other individuals who have super high intents of vibrational frequency.

There is a minimum requirement of 5 participants and a maximum of 22 for each retreat, so if you intend to come, please book now.

Click here to book your place today. A link with your payment options will be sent in the next few days.


The full cost of this retreat is $2500. If you choose to volunteer for cleaning, driving, cooking or other needed support, there is a $400 discount.

If you are a Walkwithmenow.com member, the cost is $1750

You will be sent a link with your total amount to pay once you book your place.

What is Included?

Post Event and Ego Crash Symptoms

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I'd like to share with you some information about two phenomena that can happen when you go to a retreat or event. They are called "Post Event/Retreat Crash" and "Ego Crash".  These phenomena do not happen to everyone, but they are very common.

Post Event Crash Symptoms

Many individuals will have an energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual crash after an inspiring and powerful event or retreat.  And this is not limited to spiritual events. It can be a powerful and uplifting business event, a church event, a holiday, or any other event where their level of happiness, vibrational frequency, inspiration, and energy were stimulated and raised.

Larry and I have been looking at the reason for this to happen, and we are still not clear as to why it does happen.  Mostly, it feels like the vibrational frequency between our own personal lives and that of the event are so different that when we get back to our personal lives unless we continue with a strong high frequency practice, the familiarity of our old lives pulls us back down.  The frequency falling even a little bit is so devastating that we then crash.  Once we come out of the crash, back to how our lives used to be before the event does not feel so bad after all.

End of 2017 and O M G the moment of truth or what?

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We are at the end of 2017 and O M G have we reached the moment of truth or what?

2017 has been marked by many people as the year when the end of the Old Paradigm of Light vs Dark comes to an end.

And it has.

Have you been feeling waves of grief? Despair? Sadness?

Have you had a strong feeling to get rid of objects, situations, locations and people who are no longer compatible with you?

These things are related. And they are a human collective experience, not a personal one.

Where do you fit in?

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A few months ago I announced that the human collective’s high vibrational frequency awareness, consciousness and mind had “switched on” and become available to us.

I encouraged everyone to feel into that high frequency collective awareness field, consciously join it and consciously become an active participant in it.

Since then, the information and “knowing” that we do and participate in “group” consciousness is growing by the day. More and more individuals are talking about it, making it “normal” and acknowledging it.

The mental “noise” or “chatter” we experience in highly populated areas, cities, airplanes, etc., are by many now considered something normal that we always knew about.

Night Disturbances - What happened to our Free and Clear 2018?

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Are you having unusually intense nightmares, insomnia, recurring or obsessive low-frequency thoughts at night or early morning?

When looking at 2018, I could see a clean and clear year where we could move into embodying the New Paradigm without resistances or hardships.

2017 had given us plenty of time and opportunity to learn how to embody this new paradigm, shine brightly and stay in integrity. Expressing our highest frequency at an emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual form.

If integrity and non-compromise wasn’t followed through 2017, then it was tough going.

This year, as more and more individuals truly embody their natural high frequency selves in their daily life, was set to be easier and clearer. We are set to have more flexibility and higher capacity to manifest what we truly want, fast and effortlessly.

And it is that way. It is the beginning of our consciously chosen physical reality experiences.

Shamanshack Update - January 2018

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In August and September 2017, we had some amazing retreats at the Shamanshack.

The topics covered, the explorations and the participant connection was out of this world amazing.

After the events were over, I clearly heard a request for us to stay at the Shamanshack and "ground" our energies there. But, we live at Neah Bay, so we went home. Soon, family circumstances meant that we had to move into the Shamanshack for a few weeks. So, although we had not listened to the request, we did in fact had to move in and it was very good to settle the frequency and do some work on the property.

After the family situation was over, Larry and I planned to go home to the Reservation again, but I clearly heard the request to stay there until the 5th of January. We thought about it and decided, no, it was time to go home.

A day we were back at the Reservation, back on our liveaboard, the hot water heater broke down and we had no hot water.

Giving excuses for bad behavior hugely disempowers a person

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Often, when a person is being abusive to themselves or others, I will hear people say, “she is like that because she was abused as a child,” or “he’s abusive because he has PTSD” and other such excuses.

Here is the thing, when you say that, what you are actually saying is, “my view and expectations of who you are and can become are very low because of the nasty stuff you went through life”. You are also saying, “you are incapable of being any better because you had a bad life.”

Now, here’s the thing. How would you feel if someone said that to you?  It is very terminal isn’t it. It is like, you no longer have a choice, a chance, or even the capacity to do better.

Here is another thing about these excuses:

When you let people be abusive to you, and give them excuses as to why it’s ok for them to do it, you are in fact involved in the most uncompassionate act on the planet.

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