Channel: Personal And Global Ascension 2012 - 2017 are you ready?
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Mass Media Changing Paradigm? What?

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I have been looking at the past few months of media released information with regard what is happening on the planet and I was surprised to find that major outlets are now being used to release information which was previously reported to be "tin hat looney bin conspiracy theory crackpot fantasies".

They way this information is being released is highly controlled and minimized by the medium it is being presented at, or the comments released with the information, as well as limited in the scope of the information. Or is being talked about as though it's going to happen in some future time. But it is seeping through.

A couple of months back, Al Gore spoke about chemtrails on a major network show, but referring them to some future crazy plan.

We also had some mainstreammedia covering the  Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, but emphasizing how the participants had been paid a lot of money to sit through it.

The one I saw today, May 23rd 2013, is the harmful effects of fluoride in our water, reported by Fox News. A step in the right direction? Tiny step, but at least some of the information is being delivered to the sleeping masses. This is always good news to me. Plus it is an article I can send to all my conservative friends and relatives, as it was released in their media network.

Impeccable Intention and our Capacity to Manifest

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Manifestation of our "wishes" is becoming more and more instant.  The choreography of Universal support to our desired outcomes is more powerful every day.

Younger children, teenagers, and young adults, seem to be able to manifest much faster than we did at their age, or, in many cases, us now.

That's because they don't have the same programs we were injected with, they are growing up in a higher vibrational environment, and "manifestation" is in their every day vocabulary.

Impeccability rocket fuels our manifestation capacities.  But how do we achieve a state of impeccability?  What does impeccability even mean?

According to Marriam-Webster (dictionary), impeccability means, "not capable of sinning or liable to sin", and "free from fault or blame; flawless". The origin of the word is "Latin impeccabilis, from in- + peccare to sin".

To sin, in most languages, means "missing the target", or a "separation from the law of God."

Translated into non religious language, this basically means veering away from our Higher Self. Veering away from our core essence energy, which is Light/Love.

How do we know if we are being impeccable? Well, if we are thinking of something we want in our lives, but it has any lower vibrational thoughts, emotions, or physical reactions, it is the emotion that will be manifested.

Impeccable Intention and our Capacity to Manifest

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Manifestation of our "wishes" is becoming more and more instant.  The choreography of Universal support to our desired outcomes is more powerful every day.

Younger children, teenagers, and young adults, seem to be able to manifest much faster than we did at their age, or, in many cases, us now.

That's because they don't have the same programs we were injected with, they are growing up in a higher vibrational environment, and "manifestation" is in their every day vocabulary.

Impeccability rocket fuels our manifestation capacities.  But how do we achieve a state of impeccability?  What does impeccability even mean?

According to Marriam-Webster (dictionary), impeccability means, "not capable of sinning or liable to sin", and "free from fault or blame; flawless". The origin of the word is "Latin impeccabilis, from in- + peccare to sin".

To sin, in most languages, means "missing the target", or a "separation from the law of God."

Translated into non religious language, this basically means veering away from our Higher Self. Veering away from our core essence energy, which is Light/Love.

How do we know if we are being impeccable? Well, if we are thinking of something we want in our lives, but it has any lower vibrational thoughts, emotions, or physical reactions, it is the emotion that will be manifested.

The Original Architects, Creators of Our Species...

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You have no idea how excited I am to be able to share this information with you.  I invite you to look at it with a sense of sharing a story, dream, myth, novel or memory.

This topic is something I have been looking at for years now, and the information has been coming in bits and pieces all this time, the latest piece arrived as I was preparing for my monthly class over at AWAKEN Academy: Ultradimensional Incarnation.

This class was an exploration into the ultradimensional aspect of our DNA, and how, by activating it, our psychic abilities increase.   Part of understanding the Ultradimensional aspect of our DNA requires  looking at where our DNA originated. While preparing for the various aspects explored in the class, looking at the origin of our species revealed one tiny bit of further information that is amazing.

It's Time We Picked Up the Ball - Call to Action

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In this month of November, and building up for many months now, we have been inundated with fear campaigns from every media source known to modern society. From television and radio, to alternative news, internet sites, advertisements, global mood altering technology, chemical infusion via water, chemtrails, and food, you name it, it's being done.

Everywhere we turn, we are told that there is "badness" happening.  If we want to stay pure of body and mind, we have to work very, very hard, switch off the TV, radio, filter our internet consumption, drink distilled or filtered water, treat our food to clean pollutants, stay indoors during heavy chemtrail spraying, do regular purification and cleansing routines... the list goes on and on. But all that, all that effort, will have no effect if we stay in a state of fear.

That's where our own impeccability and integrity come in.  Why are we going through so much effort to cleanse ourselves and stay pure?  The reason is very important as it will dictate the results. If it is done because we are afraid, then no matter how many salt baths we take, or what we ingest, we are playing right into the low vibrational game field.

Time to Turn You ON - How to step into your POWER

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altBy first exploring where we think we are not powerful, we can then tap into where our power lies as an individual.

The most expansive questions we can ask ourselves as human beings, and often the first questions we ask when we first awaken, are "Who am I?" "What is my mission?" "How can I become/express my highest self?" "Why are we here?" "What is this planet all about?"

One of the most poignant things to find out is that we limit our own capacity to see the answers to those questions through energetic, mental, emotional and perceptual restrictions. We RESTRICT ourselves. And why do we do that, for at least two reasons, one is so that we can play a limited games, within limited parameters, and the second is a fear that if we become completely unrestricted, we would harm others.

Live Chat with Inelia Benz, January 26th, 2014

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Come and chat live with Inelia Benz this January 26th, at 9am California time.


Inelia will be discussing the new energies that will be coming to our planet for 2014 and brainstorming any issues or questions you bring to the table.  Join alone, with your friends, or family! All you need is an internet connection and a computer to access this Live Event. This event includes a Chat Room, where you can brainstorm on the topics discussed, and meet other individuals who are actively empowering themselves on a day to day basis.

"My whole aim, my most important intent, is that you become empowered. That you become able to succeed in life, no matter what it is you want to do, want to have or where you want to be. I know you are able to do this, because if you weren't you would not be reading these words now." Inelia Benz


About Inelia Benz:

This is Inelia’s first incarnation on any planet, so she was born free from self-importance, attachments, personal agendas, personal evolution, or a desire for soul advancement. She arrived knowing only that the planet needed to vibrate at a higher level in order to undergo a global ascension. Emerging from anonymity, she has become a messenger of personal and global empowerment . For the past three years, she has worked tirelessly to explore, investigate, develop, and disseminate tools, including meditations and exercises, that are quick, mystery-free, and highly effective — tools used by hundreds of thousands of people to achieve personal empowerment and, in so doing, to contribute to the goal of global freedom and empowerment of all people.

Looking Ahead - 2014 in View

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altI've been feeling very "quiet" in my own thoughts since we began 2014.  However, the sound from the human collective has become really, really loud. It is as though everyone is now capable of transmitting their thoughts, emotions and creations in a much more empowered way.

This "power" is basic chi and ability to do.

I speak a lot about power. I also speak a lot about how to get one's power back. You see, we are all powerful, it's just that some of us use that power ourselves and some of us give it to someone or something else to use. But, we are still incredibly powerful.

Impeccable Intention and our Capacity to Manifest

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Manifestation of our "wishes" is becoming more and more instant.  The choreography of Universal support to our desired outcomes is more powerful every day.

Younger children, teenagers, and young adults, seem to be able to manifest much faster than we did at their age, or, in many cases, us now.

That's because they don't have the same programs we were injected with, they are growing up in a higher vibrational environment, and "manifestation" is in their every day vocabulary.

Impeccability rocket fuels our manifestation capacities.  But how do we achieve a state of impeccability?  What does impeccability even mean?

According to Marriam-Webster (dictionary), impeccability means, "not capable of sinning or liable to sin", and "free from fault or blame; flawless". The origin of the word is "Latin impeccabilis, from in- + peccare to sin".

To sin, in most languages, means "missing the target", or a "separation from the law of God."

Translated into non religious language, this basically means veering away from our Higher Self. Veering away from our core essence energy, which is Light/Love.

How do we know if we are being impeccable? Well, if we are thinking of something we want in our lives, but it has any lower vibrational thoughts, emotions, or physical reactions, it is the emotion that will be manifested.

Die URSPRÜNGLICHEN Architekten, Schöpfer Unserer Rasse


Du glaubst gar nicht, wie aufgeregt ich bin, diese Information mit dir zu teilen.

Ich lade dich dazu ein, sie wie eine Geschichte, einen Traum, einen Mythos, eine Novelle oder eine Erinnerung anzusehen.

Jahrelang habe ich nach dieser Information gesucht.

Sie kam Stück für Stück und das letzte Teil kam als ich mich auf den monatlichen Unterricht an der AWAKEN Akademie vorbereitet habe. Ultradimensionale Inkarnation.

In diesem Seminar erkundeten wir den ultradimensionalen Aspekt unserer DNA und die Zunahme unserer psychischen Fähigkeiten, wenn wir ihn aktivieren. Um diesen ultradimensionalen Aspekt besser zu verstehen, müssen wir wissen, woher unsere DNA kommt. Ein weiterer kleiner faszinierender Teil wurde enthüllt, als wir uns in diesem Seminar auf den Ursprung unserer Spezies und ihre verschieden Aspekte vorbereiteten.

Seit ein paar Jahren bin ich mir über eine Rasse bewusst, die ich die ursprünglichen Architekten nenne. Wie ich bereits während des Seminars erwähnte, sind diese nicht DIE ursprünglichen Architekten unseres Universums, lediglich diejenigen, die den Ball für unsere eigene Spezies ins Rollen brachten, die menschliche Rasse.

Ich sah, dass sie eine humanoide Rasse aus Gaias DNA erschufen. Sie war EINS mit dem Planeten. Sie bestand aus Materie, irdischer Materie. Die meisten Individuen, die den "alternativen" Ursprung menschlicher Geschichte studiert haben, werden von den Annunaki wissen. Weiter unten in diesem Artikel werde ich mehr von der Rolle der Annunaki berichten. Hier jetzt nur so viel: sie sind nicht die URSPRÜNGLICHEN Architekten. Die Annunaki kamen viel, viel später.

Die Gründe, warum die URSPRÜNGLICHEN Architekten eine irdische humanoide Rasse erschufen war, so wie ich es jetzt sehe, alles von wissenschaftlicher Neugierde über Unterhaltung bis zur Erweiterung ihrer eigenen dimensionalen Erfahrung durch Erschaffung von Körpern, in die sie selber inkarnieren konnten oder die Schöpfung ihrer eigenen Rasse (stelle dir bei der Frage nach dem Huhn oder dem Ei eine nicht-lineare Zeit vor).

Der Grund, warum sie uns erschaffen haben, wird vielleicht enthüllt, wenn wir "schlüpfen". :)

Die erste humanoide Rasse, die sie erschufen war in vielen Aspekten unterschiedlich zu uns. Sie waren physisch "fester". Sie hatten einen höheren Gaia DNA Prozentsatz als wir jetzt. Ihre Kommunikation war erfahrungsgemäß und ganzheitlich, nicht verbal und zerstückelt. Ihre Art Entscheidungen zu treffen war grundlegend mit dem Planeten und allen seinen anderen Spezies verbunden. Ihr individueller und kollektiver Geist funktionierte ein wenig wie ein großer Schwarm kleiner Vögel, den wie manchmal am Himmel sehen. Er bewegt sich wie eine intelligente Wolke, schnell, bildet faszinierende Formen und nie kollidieren 2 Vögel.

Sie erschufen uns um flexibel zu sein, unsere DNA weit geöffnet (ein wenig wie ein Open Source Programm im Internet).

Dann zogen sie sich zurück.

Andere kamen und veränderten unsere DNA, unsere Natur, unsere Rollen und unseren "Grund zu existieren". Andere fügten ihre DNA hinzu und damit Programme und Funktionen. Die Annunaki fallen mir ein, die eine Sklavenrasse erschufen.

Und dieses ist das Stück, das jetzt ankam:

die URSPRÜNGLICHEN Architekten wussten immer, dass andere Rassen kommen würden und mit ihrer Schöpfung "Spielen" würden. Diese enorm unterschiedlichen Spezies würden ihre eigene DNA hinzufügen. Diese hoch schwingenden Spezies würden aufgefordert sein hier zu inkarnieren. Das alles war Teil des Plans. Eine Art intergalaktische, interdimensionale und gekreuzte Open Source Befruchtung.

Es fühlt sich so an, als ob sie "ein Geist mit uns" sind. Nicht nur, dass sie uns von irgendwoher irgendwann beobachten, sondern sie besitzen alle unsere Erfahrungen, unsere Gedanken und mehr. Jedoch werden sie davon nicht beschlagnahmt. Sie scheinen nicht an uns wie ein Elternteil an sein Kind gebunden zu sein.

Die stärkste Energie , die ich wahrnehme, wenn ich ihre Wahrnehmung von uns spüre, ist Überraschung oder Vergnügen, dass etwas ihre wildesten Erwartungen übertroffen hat. Oder auch dass wir sie wahrnehmen können, dass wir wissen, dass sie existieren und was sie gemacht haben.

Dieser Artikel wirft wahrscheinlich mehr Fragen auf als er beantwortet. Er ist eben nur ein kleiner Teil der Information mit der du spielen kannst.

Ich schlage dir vor als eine Übung anzunehmen, dass er wahr ist und diese Daten zu ihnen zurückzuverfolgen. Schaue was passiert. Warte ab, ob du mehr Daten erhältst, auch wenn es nur "angenommen" ist.

Fühle dich frei über deine Erlebnisse in unserem Kommentar Blog weiter unten zu schreiben oder twitter mir https://twitter.com/inelia ;)

It's Time We Picked Up the Ball - Call to Action

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During 2013, and beyond, we have been inundated with fear campaigns from every media source known to modern society. From television and radio, to alternative news, internet sites, advertisements, global mood altering technology, chemical infusion via water, chemtrails, and food, you name it, it's being done.

Everywhere we turn, we are told that there is "badness" happening.  If we want to stay pure of body and mind, we have to work very, very hard, switch off the TV, radio, filter our internet consumption, drink distilled or filtered water, treat our food to clean pollutants, stay indoors during heavy chemtrail spraying, do regular purification and cleansing routines... the list goes on and on. But all that, all that effort, will have no effect if we stay in a state of fear.

That's where our own impeccability and integrity come in.  Why are we going through so much effort to cleanse ourselves and stay pure?  The reason is very important as it will dictate the results. If it is done because we are afraid, then no matter how many salt baths we take, or what we ingest, we are playing right into the low vibrational game field.

Schalte dich jetzt AN - So erweckst du deine eigene KRAFT


Indem wir erforschen, wo wir denken, dass wir nicht kraftvoll sind, können wir als Individuen unsere Power, unsere Kraft anzapfen.

Wir stellen uns als Menschen die weitreichendsten Fragen, und oft lauten die ersten Fragen, wenn wir erwachen: „Wer bin ich?“ „Was ist meine Berufung?“ „Wie kann ich mein höchstes Selbst werden/zum Ausdruck bringen?“ „Warum sind wir hier?“ „Worum geht es auf diesem Planeten?“

Eine der schmerzlichsten Entdeckungen, die wir machen können, ist, dass wir unsere eigene Fähigkeit, die Antworten auf diese Fragen zu sehen, beschneiden: durch energetische, mentale, emotionale Beschränkungen und Einschränkungen unserer Wahrnehmung. Wir BESCHRÄNKEN uns selbst. Und warum machen wir das? Aus mindestens zwei Gründen. Zum einen, damit wir ein beschränktes Spiel spielen können, innerhalb begrenzter Parameter. Der zweite Grund ist eine Angst davor, dass wir anderen schaden würden, wenn wir vollkommen frei und unbeschränkt wären.

Nach vorn schauen – 2014 im Blick


Mit meinen eigenen Gedanken habe ich mich sehr „ruhig“ gefühlt, seit unser Jahr 2014 begonnen hat. Doch der Klang, der Sound der menschlichen Gemeinschaft ist wirklich laut geworden. Es ist, als ob alle jetzt fähig wären, ihre Gedanken, Gefühle und Schöpfungen auf eine sehr viel kraftvollere Weise mitzuteilen.

Diese „Kraft“, diese Power ist elementares Chi und die Fähigkeit zu Handeln.

Ich spreche viel über Kraft. Ich spreche auch oft darüber, wie man seine eigene Kraft zurückgewinnt. Seht Ihr, wir sind alle kraftvoll; es ist nur so, dass einige von uns die Kraft selbst nutzen und andere sie an andere Menschen oder Dinge zur Benutzung abgeben. Aber wir sind immer noch unglaublich kraftvoll.

Have you wondered what is behind the oppression of our feminine side?

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It's easy to fall into the victim/aggressor cycle when we think about the oppression of our feminine side. Not only the suppression of our own, personal feminine traits, whether we are men or women, but the physical and often brutal oppression of women and feminine men around the world.

It's easy to fall into rage, anger, frustration, fear and hopelessness when we open our eyes and look around to what is happening all around us.  How we tell our boys to "be men", and not cry, run, laugh, play "like a girl". How we program our girls to be passive, helpless, submissive, beautiful, and compete for the attention of men (which until recently, and in many countries still, is vital to their physical survival and the survival of their children).

The oppression of women did not come about coincidentally, or through the survival of the fittest. It is a program that has been brutally imposed by all of us, on all of us, for thousands of years now. And it's coming to an end.

The message is clear - YOU are POWERFUL and they don't want you to know it.

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You are powerful and they don't want you to know it. Who are "they"?

"They" are the individuals who project authority onto themselves, and make the rest of us think we need to hear things from them, get their permission, or pay them dues for living on the planet. Why do we give them all this authority over us? Because we have been taught to from day one to do so. And because if we don't, we are told we will die, or worse, we will suffer.

Now, let's not fall into the victim/aggressor cycle here. "They" exist because we all agree to have them there.  The majority of us find it easier to have someone manage the majority of our lives, tell us what is "real", what is not "real", give us "official information channels", and tell us how to live our lives.

When I first became a public person, a man told me that he did not like that I would look at vibrational lines, situations and events, and simply state what I was seeing with full authority. He suggested I add the words "in my view", or "my opinion is". In other words, he wanted me to step down from my personal authority. Why? Because it threatened him. You see, any of us can be in full control and use our personal authority, but others will see and react to it as they do to "formal" authority, that it is something imposed on them that they have to accept without question.

Impeccable Intention and our Capacity to Manifest



Manifestation of our "wishes" is becoming more and more instant.  The choreography of Universal support to our desired outcomes is more powerful every day.

Younger children, teenagers, and young adults, seem to be able to manifest much faster than we did at their age, or, in many cases, us now.

That's because they don't have the same programs we were injected with, they are growing up in a higher vibrational environment, and "manifestation" is in their every day vocabulary.

Impeccability rocket fuels our manifestation capacities.  But how do we achieve a state of impeccability?  What does impeccability even mean?

According to Marriam-Webster (dictionary), impeccability means, "not capable of sinning or liable to sin", and "free from fault or blame; flawless". The origin of the word is "Latin impeccabilis, from in- + peccare to sin".

To sin, in most languages, means "missing the target", or a "separation from the law of God."

Translated into non religious language, this basically means veering away from our Higher Self. Veering away from our core essence energy, which is Light/Love.

How do we know if we are being impeccable? Well, if we are thinking of something we want in our lives, but it has any lower vibrational thoughts, emotions, or physical reactions, it is the emotion that will be manifested.

The Original Architects, Creators of Our Species...


You have no idea how excited I am to be able to share this information with you.  I invite you to look at it with a sense of sharing a story, dream, myth, novel or memory.

This topic is something I have been looking at for years now, and the information has been coming in bits and pieces all this time, the latest piece arrived as I was preparing for my monthly class over at AWAKEN Academy: Ultradimensional Incarnation.

This class was an exploration into the ultradimensional aspect of our DNA, and how, by activating it, our psychic abilities increase.   Part of understanding the Ultradimensional aspect of our DNA requires  looking at where our DNA originated. While preparing for the various aspects explored in the class, looking at the origin of our species revealed one tiny bit of further information that is amazing.

It's Time We Picked Up the Ball - Call to Action


During 2013, and beyond, we have been inundated with fear campaigns from every media source known to modern society. From television and radio, to alternative news, internet sites, advertisements, global mood altering technology, chemical infusion via water, chemtrails, and food, you name it, it's being done.

Everywhere we turn, we are told that there is "badness" happening.  If we want to stay pure of body and mind, we have to work very, very hard, switch off the TV, radio, filter our internet consumption, drink distilled or filtered water, treat our food to clean pollutants, stay indoors during heavy chemtrail spraying, do regular purification and cleansing routines... the list goes on and on. But all that, all that effort, will have no effect if we stay in a state of fear.

That's where our own impeccability and integrity come in.  Why are we going through so much effort to cleanse ourselves and stay pure?  The reason is very important as it will dictate the results. If it is done because we are afraid, then no matter how many salt baths we take, or what we ingest, we are playing right into the low vibrational game field.

Time to Turn You ON - How to step into your POWER


altBy first exploring where we think we are not powerful, we can then tap into where our power lies as an individual.

The most expansive questions we can ask ourselves as human beings, and often the first questions we ask when we first awaken, are "Who am I?" "What is my mission?" "How can I become/express my highest self?" "Why are we here?" "What is this planet all about?"

One of the most poignant things to find out is that we limit our own capacity to see the answers to those questions through energetic, mental, emotional and perceptual restrictions. We RESTRICT ourselves. And why do we do that? For at least two reasons, one is so that we can play a limited game, within limited parameters, and the second is a fear that if we become completely unrestricted, we would harm others.

Looking Ahead - 2014 in View


altI've been feeling very "quiet" in my own thoughts since we began 2014.  However, the sound from the human collective has become really, really loud. It is as though everyone is now capable of transmitting their thoughts, emotions and creations in a much more empowered way.

This "power" is basic chi and ability to do.

I speak a lot about power. I also speak a lot about how to get one's power back. You see, we are all powerful, it's just that some of us use that power ourselves and some of us give it to someone or something else to use. But, we are still incredibly powerful.

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